Glow infusions always have the highest quality nutrients that are delivered directly to your cells, where they are needed for rapid health improvements. IV Nutrient Therapy is about nourishing your cells for sustained and optimal health.
Ozone therapy is a natural health solution for optimal wellness that increase the amount of oxygen in the body through the introduction of ozone into the body. The effects of ozone are both healing and detoxifying – suppressing infection and boosting the immune system.
Rather than focus on your disease, we focus on you. Identifying the critical imbalances that lead to symptoms. Our wellness plans are designed to clear out cellular waste and toxins, repair and rebuild healthy cells and bring your body a new sense of vitality.
Our commitment to meeting your nutrients needs efficiently and effectively is the reason we have selected a high quality line of liquid supplements called Glow Factors. We believe supplements should be as natural and unprocessed as possible with superior absorption. This means you are receiving the nutrients and positive health benefits you paid for!